December 2020
Happy New Year!
NEW TEST Solutions!
Our TestBox® Test Solutions Library has received a big New Year update!
September 2020
Today, all of our FORM employees returned to the office, and we are operating as usual
March 2020
In response to the COVID-19 outbreak, FORM company is taking serious measures to prevent the virus's spread. A majority of employees switched to remote work.
November 2019
Итоги семинара в Санкт-Петербурге
Тема: «Современные решения для автоматизации функциональных испытаний электронной компонентной базы»
October 2019
Testing&Control 2019
В Москве прошла 16-я Международная выставка испытательного и контрольно-измерительного оборудования
September 2019
New Hard-Dock interface
New Lock-Down Assembly ("hard-dock" interface) for FORMULA HF3 Testers developed
July 2019
May 2019
Scan test support in FORMULA HF
Support for scan test will be available to all users of the FORMULA HF line test systems this year